Climate Controlled Storage – What you need to know

Before you plan your home move or carry out major renovation or redecoration works, one of the main aspects to consider would be the protection and safekeeping of your valuable items such as art, furniture, antiques, or photographs.
The safest option is to put these delicate items into a specialist storage facility, ideally climate-controlled storage to safeguard your belongings. Climate controlled storage is, quite simply, a professional and specialist storage facility that has been purpose-built for storing items that require certain specific temperature conditions, controlling systems, and video cameras for security.
These facilities achieve ideal storage conditions through the use of HVAC systems (heating, ventilation and air conditioning), dehumidifiers and specialist insulation to precisely monitor and control temperature and humidity.
It is quite possible that the first condition you think of when someone says “climate-controlled storage” is temperature, which is a major factor. In particular, vintage wine should be kept within a strict temperature range depending on the type, year, and country of origin. Extremes in temperature can also cause pieces of leather furniture to crack.
Likewise, if an item has already been exposed to humidity and has soaked up moisture (for example, wooden furniture), allowing that wood to get too warm can increase the risk of mold and mildew growing in the furniture.
The limitation of humidity is vital for a good climate-controlled storage facility. If there is too much moisture in the air it will transfer to the items and cause all sorts of problems. A humid environment can cause artwork and photographs to fade, woodwork to swell and warp and electronics to become unreliable. Metal items will also suffer if there is too much moisture in the air which is something to keep in mind if you are putting jewellery or old coins into storage.
Almost every item that you can think of will benefit from being stored in a climate-controlled facility. A prime exam
ple is books that have been kept in a shop for years and not properly looked after; their pages might start to turn yellow, the text becomes less crisp and the pages start to stick together, this is the effect of moisture and being kept in a less than ideal environment. Similarly, photographs, magazines, and important documents are just as susceptible to moisture in the air.
If you are considering climate-controlled storage, especially for long-term storage, it is worth considering not just the conditions inside the unit but outside it as well. The weather outside the unit could go from freezing cold to hot, and humid, in just a few months; a climate-controlled storage unit will keep your items at a consistent temperature and humidity no matter what the weather is like outside.
Cadogan Tate is one of the most trusted art, furniture, and antique storage companies in the world and regularly works with fine art galleries, auction houses, and interior designers to look after priceless items. If you are looking for secure climate controlled storage or a removals company in London contact the specialist team or, to find out more information, click here.