Archive - Moving Services

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Dubai to build the world's biggest shopping…
It was revealed in October of this year that Dubai was looking to build a…
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Shanghai to introduce total smoking ban
Shanghai intends to build on its original smoking ban and make it far more comprehensive,…
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Danes told to readdress their 'icy ways'
An interesting debate got underway in Denmark at an event looking at how the Scandinavian…
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Thinking about taxes
There’s a well known saying that goes something like “taxes are the price we pay…
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London rents spike
Rents in London have increased by a “staggering 32 per cent” in the last three…
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Lucky to be in Paris
What is it about Paris? “Well its Paris,” responds Harry van Manen, an expat in…
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Southeast Asian economies on the rise
Southeast Asian economies will grow by 5.5 per cent over the next five years, returning…
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Expats told to 'consider every aspect' when…
International movers need to consider every aspect of buying a permanent property, according to an…
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More foreigners granted EU citizenship
European Union member states have collectively granted more than 800,000 certificates of citizenship to foreigners…
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CBI: Let's shake up British education
The Confederation of British Industry (CBI) has called for a “radical shakeup” of the entire…
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Cadogan Tate assists SCO Family of Services…
SCO Family of Services is an organisation that exists to improve the lives of vulnerable…
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Jaguar branches out into China
Jaguar Land Rover has announced that it is to build vehicles in China for the…
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Xi Jingping: China's next president
Xi Jingping has been elected as general secretary of the Communist Party of China, a…
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Germany's economic growth dwindling
Germany’s economic growth for the third quarter of 2012 was 0.2 per cent, according to…
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Employee benefits on a global scale
The Mexican and American guitarist Carlo Santana, whose own sound can be described as pan-cultural,…
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Paris to outlaw old cars
Paris is to outlaw cars, motorcycles and lorries that are more than 17 years old…
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