Archive - Art Services

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Drawing Surrealism
“Surrealism is destructive,” explained Salvador Dali, an equally interesting raconteur as he was a painter.…
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Tretchikoff's Chinese Girl up for sale
In 1950, Vladimir Tretchikoff set to work on a truly timeless piece of art. It’s…
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The last great Holocaust-era restitution case
It’s all about justice for the heirs of the Jewish banker Baron Mór Lipót Herzog,…
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Sir Richard Branson takes art up in…
Some things are stranger than fiction. Sir Richard Branson, considered to be one of the…
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Schwitters in Britain
Degenerate is a harsh word. One could go so far as to say that it…
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Dali portrait of Mona Bismarck up for…
It’s a wickedly wonderful dualistic portrait of a very beautiful, stylish and glamorous woman occupying…
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Ferdinand Hodler's The Truth back to its…
Conservation can deliver the most impressive results, as can be observed from the work done…
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South Korea's introduction to American Art
Four prominent institutions from the US have come together to organise and deliver a far-reaching…
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Lowry and the Painting of Modern Life
L.S. Lowry is a peculiar figure in the art world. The twentieth century English artist,…
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Art Basel Hong Kong reveals exhibitor line-up
The first edition of Art Basel Hong Kong is set to build on the fortunes…
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Pablo Picasso's 'portrait of love' leads Sotheby's…
He loved her, as did she him, and together, for a while, it was perfect.…
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Alex Katz: Echoes from history
At 85, Alex Katz is now one of the elder statesmen of art, and, like…
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Yorkshire: Europe's sculpture capital in-waiting
Yorkshire has grand, artistic ambitions. God’s Own County wants to be known as the sculpture…
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Now that's how you capture a painting…
Antonio Cosentino has one of the most distinct, interesting and arguably important jobs in the…
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How valuable is a work of art?
It is quite a challenge to measure the monetary worth of a work of art.…
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Top twelve places for art in America
The first ever list of the top twelve places for art in America has been…
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