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Fitzwilliam Museum launches public appeal to secure…
Fitzwilliam Museum has launched a public appeal to permanently secure a Nicholas Poussin masterpiece, which…
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British expats battling with price increases
The cost of living is on the rise for professionals moving overseas, according to new…
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Expats lose property tax break in Australia
British professionals moving to Australia will no longer be able to make use of a…
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Britain could experience 'rich' exodus
Some of the wealthiest people in Britain are considering moving overseas to enjoy better tax…
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Dubai to use solar power to be…
Dubai Municipality, which is a member of the Supreme Council of Energy, is to reduce…
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Detroit voters agree to pay more tax…
Voters in Detroit have given their approval to a special ten-year property tax plan that…
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Weaving 100 years of tapestry
The art of tapestry has been quietly flourishing in little corners of the world, with…
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British expats lacking European road awareness
British expats moving to Europe tend to have little or no knowledge about the varying…
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Robert Hughes remembered
Robert Hughes, one of the most respected art critics of his generation, who has died…
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US property market "looking rosier"
British professionals moving to America have been told that the outlook of the US property…
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British professionals lead expat charge to New…
Expats from all over the world are moving to New Zealand, helping to fill the…
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Deal agreed on Alfred Stieglitz Collection
The seven-year long, divisive and very heated legal battle over the future of Fisk University’s…
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Andre Emmerich Gallery documents now available
In 1993, the Smithsonian Archives of American Art interviewed the legendary American art dealer and…
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Roy Lichtenstein's Electric Cord found
Contrary to the prevailing consensus, lost works of art no longer want to stay out…
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Canada launches consultations on immigration
The Canadian government has announced that it has launched a major national consultation programme on…
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Christine Lagarde: Bravo, Spain
The managing director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has given her support to Spain’s…
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