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Rex Whistler – A Talent Cut Short
In Steven Spielberg’s brilliant Second World War movie Saving Private Ryan, Tom Hank’s character Captain…
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Income tax to rise in France
People living and working in France might soon have a bit of a shock when…
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Canada starts issuing Federal Skilled Trade visas
In early July Citizenship and Immigration Canada announced that they will start accepting applications for…
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A new age: 3D art
3D was, for a long, long while, a gimmick. It has always been fun, silly…
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American Modern: Hopper to O'Keeffe
American society underwent significant changes in the first half of the twentieth century. At a…
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End of the line for roaming charges?
European Commissioner for Digital Agenda, Neelie Kroes, has recently been pushing for a new EU…
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The unknowing world of an art heist
It’s quite unreal, like one of those exciting thrillers that sends you on a merry-go-round.…
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British art exports reach post-credit crunch high
The global economic outlook since 2008 has remained in a relative state of disarray and…
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NCMA acquires lasers for art conservation work
Lasers are coming to the North Carolina Museum of Art (NCMA), courtesy of Duke University’s…
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Henri Matisse and all that Jazz
It is amazing what you can achieve even in the darkest hours. In 1941, Henri…
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Met announces launch of Global Leaders Colloquium
The Metropolitan Museum of Art has announced the inaugural launch of the Global Leaders Colloquium.…
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Quebec immigration updates Quebec Skilled Worker Program
Quebec’s department of immigration has announced some changes to the procedure for candidates applying to…
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New figures reveal Foreign & Commonwealth Office…
Official figures released by the FCO have revealed that there has been a drop in…
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The Spirit of Utopia
It is perhaps with irony that Whitechapel sought to launch its latest exhibition on Arcadia…
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The OECD's annual International Migration Outlook report
The annual International Migration Outlook report by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)…
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El Greco’s masterpiece St Dominic in Prayer…
The art world is very much in love with post-war and contemporary art, which is…
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